This past Monday, I explained my good intentions to my doctor but all she heard was, "excuses, excuses, excuses." She told the following: Flintstones Complete (the chewable multivitamins and minerals tablet for children) works just as well!! The only caveat: since I'm iron deficient, I have to take additional iron supplements. This was fine by me because I'm already taking additional iron supplements.
I went to Target and purchased Up&Up's Children's Multivitamin Dietary Supplement (the Target house brand version of Flintstones Complete). A quick comparison of BJ's Women's Daily Multivitamins and Minerals and Up&Up Children's Multivitamin Dietary Supplement shows that while the vitamin/mineral breakdown is not exactly the same, it is indeed comparable for the most part. (For those of you who need more calcium, you will need to take a calcium supplement.)
I now take a children's multivitamin dietary supplement tablet and a iron supplement tablet daily. I'm feeling good about being more pro-active in maintaining my health...and I'm hoping that it translates directly into more energy!
For those of you who are like me and have a hard time swallowing large multivitamins and minerals pills, grab the children's chewable multivitamins tablets!!
Note: I was tempted to buy the multivitamins gummy bears. However, after a comparison of the labels, the multivitamins gummy bears fall short on what you need. Skip it.